
Tulsa Rocketry is a non profit organization that relies on the generosity of its members and sponsors to provide its services to the community. Thank you for considering donating to Tulsa Rocketry.

Each year we give away rocket kits to kids at our annual High Frontier event. The giveaway is open to all kids under the age of 18. Donations will be used to buy kits.

High Frontier Rocket Giveaway!

Each year we conduct our RocketScience launch. This program invites area students to construct a payload that fits within a provided canister. The payload is then launched on a large rocket to an altitude nearing 1 mile. The students then collect their payload and perform any other data analysis they need. Donations will help offset the cost of the motor for the annual flight.

RocketScience Project!

Please consider a general sponsorship of our activities. Donations will be used not only to help with our High Frontier Giveaway and RocketScience project expenses, but also to help us pay for maintaining our equipment and other associated costs with providing our services.

General Sponsorship of Tulsa Rocketry Activities!

Note: PayPal is Tulsa Rocketry’s provider of credit card services. You can also use PayPal to pay from your checking account online. To donate online, you do not need to have a PayPal account. If you do not have a PayPal account, you will be given an opportunity to open an account, but is is not required.