Education is an important part of Tulsa Rocketry and starts with our activities to introduce youth to rocketry. We regularly put on presentations for school groups and youth organizations and encourage kids to get interested in rocketry not only for the fun, but the science, technology, engineering, math, and building skills behind it. We also host a program called RocketScience that allows students to launch payload canisters on a large high power rocket and teachers to incorporate the science into their courses.
Our members love to share what they know and help others learn about rocketry and advance their skills. Tulsa Rocketry provides opportunities for individuals to learn by coming to our monthly meetings where we talk about rocketry related topics and attending our monthly launches where they can see rocketry in action and ask questions of the members participating in the launch. We also do group projects where you can come and learn new skills and techniques. All of these activities are free and open to the public.
Tulsa Rocketry can also help individuals get their high power certifications. Certification is required to launch motors over a G impulse class or rockets weighing more than 3 pounds. We have members that are certified all the way through level 3 that can help you with the process of getting certified, answer your questions, and perform the certification tests. We are affiliated with both Tripoli and NAR and can do certifications for both organizations.