Payload Guidelines

This page contains the guidelines for developing payloads compatible with the Tulsa Rocketry RocketScience project.

1. Eligible Experiments

Any small physics or biological experiment meeting the General Guidelines (below).
Some examples are listed here.

2. Eligible Teams

Payload teams will consist of at least one adult sponsor and up to 5 students.

The team sponsor must contact Tulsa Rocketry and declare the team’s intent to participate in the RocketScience project no later than October 1, 2018. See contact information (below).

3. General Guidelines

  • The experiment must be self-contained and completely enclosed within the provided payload canister.
  • The experiment may not contain any caustic or corrosive chemicals or explosives of any kind.
  • Electrical power, if required for the experiment, must be furnished by batteries within the payload canister.
  • Payload activation may be accomplished remotely or at the time the payload is placed into the rocket.
  • Note that vertebrate animals may not be flown.
  • Maximum payload weight of 1 lb.

4. Payload Canister

A single payload canister size will be available which is  4 inch diameter by 7 inches long and will be furnished by Tulsa Rocketry and includes a removable top and bottom bulkhead for payload access.

5. Payload Environment

The payload will be exposed to multiple forces during flight:
– Approximately +5 gs at launch.
– Approximately –5 gs at rocket motor burnout.
– Zero-g for a few seconds at the peak of the rocket’s flight (apogee).

The payload may also be exposed to:
– Multiple forms of vibration
– Roll rates of up to 1 cycle per second.
– Ambient temperature drop of 3 to 5 degrees per 1000 feet of altitude
The canister will be ported to the outside to enable atmospheric sampling.

6. Expected Altitude

Projected payload altitude is approximately 5,000 feet.

7. Expected Duration

Flight Duration – approximately 5 minutes
Minimum Experiment/Sampling period – 5 minutes
Payload Active period – Up to 2 hours

The experiments should be designed to be activated 30 minutes before launch and retain their data for as long as 90 minutes after launch. Thus the total active period may reach 2 hours.

8. Day of Launch

Payload teams should be on-site and ready to activate their payloads and place them in the rocket no later than 1:30 PM.

9. Launch Fees

None. Rocket and launch services provided free of charge by Tulsa Rocketry.

10. Expenses

The costs associated with each experiment will be the responsibility of the payload team.

11. Launch Site Facilities

No services or facilities will be available on-site. Any materials required by the payload team such as water, electrical power, batteries, tools, laptop computers, tables, chairs, shade, etc, should be brought to the site by the team.

Tulsa Rocketry has made RocketScience an annual event. Teachers interested in particpating or in learning more can contact us here.